SIP Calculator India: Grow Your Money with Monthly Investment

SIP Calculator
Investment Calculator




What is an SIP Calculator?

A SIP calculator is a handy online tool that helps you estimate how much your investments might grow over time using a SIP. It considers several factors to give you an idea of what your returns might look like:

  1. Investment Amount (your SIP contribution): This is like the size of the seed you plant – the bigger the seed, the bigger the potential tree (your future returns).
  2. Investment Period (how long you invest): Time acts like fertilizer for your investment seeds. The longer you invest, the more your money has a chance to grow through compound interest.
  3. Expected Rate of Return (how much growth your investment might earn): This is a bit like guessing how much sunshine your plant will get – it affects how much it might grow. Remember, this is an estimate, and actual returns can vary.
  4. Compounding Frequency (how often your returns are reinvested): This is like giving your plant a little water each time it needs it. The more often your returns are reinvested, the more they can potentially grow.

By plugging these numbers into the Mutual Fund Systematic Investment Plan calculator, you get an estimated idea of how much your investment might be worth in the future. This can be a valuable tool for planning your finances and making informed investment decisions.

Keep in mind: These Systematic Investment Plan calculators are based on estimates, and actual returns can be higher or lower.

How SIP Return Calculator Helpful for you

  1. Estimate Returns: Get an idea of how much your money might grow based on your investment amount, time frame, expected returns, and compounding. This helps you set realistic goals.
  2. Financial Planning: Try out different scenarios to see how changes in your investment plan can impact your future wealth. This helps you build a solid financial strategy.
  3. Compare Options: Thinking of investing in different mutual funds? The calculator can help you compare potential returns in each option.
  4. Budget Like a Pro: Figure out how much you need to invest regularly to reach your goals. This helps you set aside money systematically and stay on budget.
  5. Understand Compounding: See how small, regular investments can grow significantly over time. This motivates you to stay disciplined and invested for the long term.

How to Calculate SIP Returns By Using SIP Calculator

Let’s walk through how to use one: (Car Test Drive Example to Understand easily)

  1. Find Your Test Track (Investment Websites): Head to a website with a SIP calculator, like Pricemint, Groww, or Upstox.
  2. Pick Your Car (Mutual Fund Scheme): Choose the mutual fund scheme you’re invested in, like picking a car model for your test drive.
  3. Set Up the Test Drive (Input Details): Enter details about your investment plan, like how much you invest regularly (SIP amount), how often you invest (monthly, quarterly, etc.), how long you plan to invest, and when you started.
  4. The Simulator Kicks In (Estimate Returns): The calculator uses past performance data (historical returns) of your chosen mutual fund to estimate how much your investment might grow. It’s like simulating how the car might perform on different terrains.
  5. Fine-tuning the Test (Optional): Some calculators let you consider inflation and taxes for a more realistic picture. It’s like factoring in gas prices and tolls for your test drive.
  6. See the Results (Estimated Returns Report): Once you enter everything, the calculator will show you a report with an estimated amount you might earn on your SIP investment. This is like seeing how far the car might go on a single tank of gas.

What is the inflation rate in the SIP Calculator?

Some SIP calculators let you include an inflation rate. This is like factoring in the rising cost of that sandwich over time. The calculator then estimates your returns considering both growth and inflation, giving you a more realistic picture of how much your money might buy in the future.

The calculator estimates your returns based on a growth rate (expected rate of return). But inflation can eat away at that growth. Let’s say your investment grows by 8% a year, but inflation is 3%. In reality, your money might only gain 5% in purchasing power (8% growth minus 3% inflation).

What is SIP Investment?

A SIP, or Systematic Investment Plan, is like a regular savings plan for mutual funds. Instead of needing a lump sum of cash upfront, SIPs allow you to invest a set amount, typically every month, regardless of how much it is. This makes investing more manageable and easier to fit into your budget.

Imagine you’re growing a plant. You wouldn’t dump a huge amount of water on it all at once, right? You’d give it regular sprinkles to keep it thriving. SIPs work the same way for your money. By consistently investing a set amount, you’re steadily watering your “investment seeds” over time.

Benefits of SIPs:

  • Discipline: SIPs help you develop a regular savings habit, like a gym membership that motivates you to exercise. They keep you on track with your long-term investment goals.
  • Affordability: You don’t need a lot of money to start. SIPs let you begin investing with small amounts, potentially as low as ₹100 a month. 1Rs 100 minimum SIP: Top Mutual Funds to invest Website: ETNowNews
  • Rupee-Cost Averaging: This means by investing regularly, you purchase units of a mutual fund at different prices (sometimes high, sometimes low). This helps balance out the overall cost per unit you invest in over time.
  • Compounding: This is the magic that makes SIPs so powerful. As your money grows in the mutual fund, your returns are reinvested, earning even more returns on top. It’s like a snowball rolling downhill, getting bigger and bigger over time.

What is the formula of the Sip Calculator?

The formula to calculate SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) returns is as follows:

FV = P × (((1 + r/n)^(n*t) – 1) / (r/n))


  • FV = Future Value of the SIP investment
  • P = SIP amount (per instalment)
  • r = Rate of interest (in decimal)
  • n = Number of times interest is compounded in a year
  • t = Investment tenure (in years).

Example –

Let’s say you invest ₹1,000 every month (P) for 5 years (t) with an expected annual interest rate of 10% (r) compounded monthly (n = 12).

The calculator would use these values to estimate your future return. While the actual formula is complex, you can see how each factor (investment amount, interest rate, compounding frequency, and investment time) contributes to the potential growth of your investment.


  • How much should I invest in SIPs?

    The ideal SIP amount depends on your goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. Here’s a basic guide:
    1. Goals: Are you saving for retirement, a house, or a child’s education? Knowing your goal will help you determine how much to invest.
    2. Risk Tolerance: How comfortable are you with market ups and downs? Higher risk tolerance might allow for a higher SIP amount.
    3. Investment Horizon: How long do you plan to invest? Longer timeframes can benefit from smaller SIP contributions due to compounding.

  • What is the ideal duration for a SIP?

    The ideal SIP tenure depends on your financial goals:
    1. Short-Term Goals (1-3 years): SIPs can be used, but remember markets can be volatile in the short term.
    2. Medium-Term Goals (3-5 years): SIPs are a good fit as they allow you to ride out market fluctuations.
    3. Long-Term Goals (5+ years): SIPs truly shine for long-term goals. Compounding works best over longer timeframes.

  • How do SIPs compare to lump sum investments?

    SIPs offer a more disciplined and potentially less risky approach compared to lump sum investments. They also benefit from rupee-cost averaging. Lump sums might be suitable for investors with a large amount of money to invest and a higher risk tolerance.

  • Which SIP calculator is the best?

    There’s no single “best” SIP calculator. Many online platforms offer similar features. Choose one that’s easy to use, has a clear interface, and provides the information you need. Some calculators might even offer additional features like inflation adjustment.

Article References
